
With each decade , with each new invention , the pace of our life changes dramatically . Today we are actively absorb new information , paying for it with his own health .
After all, a sedentary lifestyle does not contribute to a long and healthy living. Surprisingly, the plague of the new century were the following diseases :
lack of exercise .
A physical activity today - the lot elected . Physicians are concerned with this issue more than a century ago. For example , Professor Ertel of Munich in 1885 developed a technique to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It consists in the daily walks on a predetermined route . Technique was named " health path " - this word came into modern language , is widely used in tourism, including our Crimean . A holiday in Perevalnoye among its services are increasingly includes health path .
Terrainkur routes in Crimea - exciting and useful !
Terrenkur ( from «terra» - terrain , «cure» - treatment) - the perfect combination of travel and a healthy lifestyle. It is not surprising that in this blessed corner of the planet , as our peninsula Terrenkur treatment is applied . In Crimea, for this very nature of all conditions : mountains and valleys, plains and steppes .
How is the impact of distance on the body? While walking with obstacles increases muscle tone and body requires more energy . Energy costs do not allow fats deposited in the blood vessels , and therefore do not give atherosclerosis no chance ! A similar effect on the body has a green tourism in Crimea. Otherwise the action is descent from the mountain : there is self-massage of the abdominal cavity . As a result - improved digestion. Terrenkur in the Crimea as a remedy for all the stress and depression. Surrounded by lush nature affects our brain better than any chemical antidepressants.
Our eco- center - an ideal place for treatment campaigns . After all, we are in the heart of the mountains around are routes terrainkur in Crimea - both popular and obscure . We will be glad if staying in our center you will feel a noticeable improvement in their health !
Try terrenkur on the Crimean peninsula - you will love it!